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About us
National Association of workers of Decentralized Local Communities of Cameroon
Workers from Cameroon’s decentralized local authorities have decided to join forces to share and strengthen their professional skills and experience; to play an active role in Cameroon’s local development; to develop active solidarity and support local and community development initiatives throughout the country; all with the aim of better serving their local authorities and devoting their skills and dynamism to Cameroon’s development.
Our Goals
Our Missions
Member capacity building and practical professional training
Organization of seminars, conferences, training sessions, exhibition camps
Active participation in local development in Cameroon
Promoting women's leadership
Defending the interests of its members in case of need
Ongoing solidarity between members
Sharing and consolidating members' achievements
Creation of a database on Cameroon's decentralized local authorities
Support for social, economic and cultural development initiatives
Initiating advocacy and/or lobbying to protect the interests of its members